Formation Program Overview
The entire period of formation commonly requires about six years. Formation follows a specific plan under the guidance of the Formation Director. After attending community meetings for about 6 months, the candidate may begin Aspirancy based on Council decision.
Attendance at 12 monthly meetings of the community is required, so the Aspirant may be supported by its members as he or she learns more about Secular life and discerns whether he or she has a vocation to the order.
Formation I
A minimum of two years is required for study and growth in prayer, the apostolate and community life. At the end of this time, the council of the community may invite the candidate to make a Temporary Promise of poverty, chastity and obedience to the order.
Formation II
At least three years precedes the Definitive Promise. Either period of formation may be extended if the council and the individual in formation agree that doing so is in the best interest of the candidate.
“When a candidate has completed Formation ll, they may be invited by the Council to make the Definitive Promises to live the evangelical counsels and the spirit of the Beatitudes for life.” (Constitutions: Formation In The School of Carmel #36d)
Ongoing Formation
“Ongoing formation begins once the Definitive Promise is made. It is essential in enabling the Definitively Professed to live out their life-long commitment and responsibilities as Secular members of the Carmelite Community. Through it, members are being continuously transformed and prepared to live a life of deeper union with Christ for the good of the community, the Church, and the world.” (Statutes Section l: Formation #6)